• Donating Blood Lowers Cholesterol Naturally

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:38:00
    Donating Blood Lowers Cholesterol Naturally cholesterol diet with greenery QUESTION Can donating blood and diet lower cholesterol of donor ANSWER Hi , there This is quite an important question , because some people are still thinking that donating blood is something , which lowers their cholesterol level . However , this is not true because when you are donating blood , you are donating the cholesterol which is dissolved in the blood . This is explained with the laws of the physics . In certain amount of blood , it is dissolved certain amount of cholesterol and the concentration is constant . When someone is taking the solvent the blood in this case he is also taking the dissolved substance the cholesterol too . Because of this , it is not possible to lower the cholesterol concentration

  • Diet and Carotid Atherosclerosis caused by Radiation

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:59
    Diet and Carotid Atherosclerosis caused by Radiation QUESTION Can diet decrease carotid atherosclerosis caused by radiation ANSWER Hi , there There are several things , which you have to know about the atherosclerosis The first thing is that in few cases , the radiation causes aggravation of the atherosclerosis . Please bear in mind that every single man has it no matter . what Generally , the development of the atherosclerosis starts from the abdominal part of the aorta , during the first 10 years of our life . Then , due to environmental factors , such as radiation , the atherosclerosis spreads through cardio-vascular . system So , the atherosclerosis is not caused by the radiation , but the radiation leads to faster growth of the atherosclerosis plaque . In addition , I have to warn you

  • Lower triglycerides naturally how is this possible

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:58
    Home What's New Natural Remedies Lower Naturally Increase Hdl Increase Naturally Foods List Lower Ldl What's LDL Diet Foods HDL LDL Level Ratio Levels High Cholesterol High Cholesterol Symptoms Foods Medications Drugs Atheroslerosis Low fat Atherosclerosis Disease Low Fat Diet Other Triglyceride Diet Free E- Book Contact us Tell your story Subscribe To This Site How to lower triglycerides naturally Your step by step guide to lower triglycerides . naturally Once you discover you have high triglycerides levels in your blood hypyertriglyceridemia the first advice your doctor will give you is to lower your triglycerides naturally . In this way you may reduce your chances to have future coronary heart disease , since people with also suffer from hypertension , insulin resistance , blood

  • Avocado cholesterol Good Enough to Give It a Try

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:57
    Is Avocado Really Good to Lower Cholesterol How can you benefit from avocado and meet the American Heart Association AHA dietary guidelines at the same time What types of fats are found in avocado How do saturated and unsaturated fats affect your heart How much avocado you can eat each day Find all the answers to your worrisome questions in the following . paragraphs Let me start with an interesting story I have read about George . He is an avocado farmer from California , he is a healthy 80 years old man weighing 170 pounds and as tall as 5.5 feet . He has been eating 3 avocados each day of his long happy life . Along with exercise , he thinks that his precious greens are the reason for the good health for him and his entire . family Avocado cholesterol how much does it affect our body

  • The Normal HDL Level To Aim Achieve

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:56
    Achieving Normal HDL Level What's the goal for a normal HDL level How can you achieve this goal Why is it important As you may probably know , HDL is the good cholesterol , i.e . that type of lipoprotein which removes the cholesterol from your . body There is a balance for all the things in our life . The same happens for a0 HDL cholesterol levels In other words the aim is to always get normal level for HDL in your lipid profile . records The following chart will give you the idea of what's the normal hdl levels you should aim . for If you have a look at this chart , you can calculate the risk level for heart disease based on your a0 HDL cholesterol levels . So , if your a0 HDL level a0 falls under the normal range , i.e . 50 or higher figures , then , you must consider yourself a0 to be

  • Why To Increase HDL And Lower LDL Cholesterol

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:54
    How Important Is To Increase HDL And Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Cholesterol-HDL-LDL.com will provide the most wanted answers to all questions related to cholesterol in simple . format We do hear about cholesterol , heart diseases , atherosclerotic plaques almost everyday . Even while we are shopping , we will be asking if the food we are purchasing is safe or would cause cholesterol problems . It is very good that we think over our health . At least , that is the most wonderful gift ever done . Apart appreciating it , we should not damage it or prevent its further damage . For this , we should get the right knowledge that would empower with the ability to make the right . choices Therefore , cholesterol HDL LDL websites is built up in several sections , covering the most-wanted topics

  • Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:53
    Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog Cholesterol hdl ldl blog is my e-journal about Beating Diabetes Naturally . It . lets you know whenever any new Web pages appear on Cholesterol-hdl-ldl.com blog website , revealing you the latest news on hdl good cholesterol and ldl bad cholesterol To subscribe to my Cholesterol hdl ldl blog( no e-mail necessary right-click on orange RSS button see bottom buttons to the left and then paste the URL into you RSS reader . Or click on My Yahoo button or My Msn or Add to Google button if you keep a personalized home page there . If you are not sure what RSS and blogging is all about , click here . What's an RSS Feed Once you start you will be surprised at what RSS can do . What is recently discussed in the a0 Cholesterol Questions and Answers Room How are stress and bad

  • Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:53
    Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog Cholesterol hdl ldl blog is my e-journal about Beating Diabetes Naturally . It . lets you know whenever any new Web pages appear on Cholesterol-hdl-ldl.com blog website , revealing you the latest news on hdl good cholesterol and ldl bad cholesterol To subscribe to my Cholesterol hdl ldl blog( no e-mail necessary right-click on orange RSS button see bottom buttons to the left and then paste the URL into you RSS reader . Or click on My Yahoo button or My Msn or Add to Google button if you keep a personalized home page there . If you are not sure what RSS and blogging is all about , click here . What's an RSS Feed Once you start you will be surprised at what RSS can do . What is recently discussed in the a0 Cholesterol Questions and Answers Room How are stress and bad

  • How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally Your Natural Guideline

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:53
    How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally Your Natural Guideline High cholesterol is related to atherosclerotic plaque built-up in the arteries wall . As a consequence , there is a high risk for heart disease or even . stroke Lowering cholesterol naturally is the first step your doctor will advise you when your lipid profile test results indicates high cholesterol levels . In the following paragraphs , I've tried to organize the natural steps of lowering cholesterol in a easy-to-get . way For better understanding purposes , I've arranged all the naturally steps in three main : groups Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes TLC Dietary Strategy Natural Supplements How to lower cholesterol naturally TLC Your daily habits influence every balance in your body , including cholesterol levels . You must

  • How to increase hdl cholesterol levels naturally

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:52
    How to Increase HDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally Get informed on increasing HDL cholesterol through the natural . way Ideally , the HDL levels must be higher than 40 mg dL , while triglyceride levels less than 150 mg dL and LDL cholesterol less than 150 mg . dL It is important to keep HDL within the normal range as it plays an important role in protecting your heart health . The very first thing to keep such normal levels of HDL is through making some important changes in your lifestyle habits . I may understand that you are used with your daily lifestyle habits and it might be very difficult to do . differently However , such changes can help you live longer with fewer problems . And you deserve it Here are some facts you should know about : cholesterol Cholesterol is a sticky natural

  • Foods to increase HDL the full list

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:52
    List of foods to increase hdl Get the full list of foods that are scientifically proven to increase HDL . Take your guide to your daily . menu I want you to understand that getting to know the foods that increase hdl will help to prepare the dishes throughout the day . The foods that lower ldl may reduce hdl at the same . time The list is prepared based on several studies carried out for this purpose that I will be showing to you . too Curcumin curry In one study carried out in Amala Cancer Research Centre , ten healthy volunteers received 500 mg of curcumin per day for 7 days . At the end of the study , the results showed an increase in HDL cholesterol level 29 a decreased in total cholesterol 11.63 and in lipid peroxides 33 Based on the above findings , why not to implement curry in your

  • Cholesterol HDL LDL Ratio,Heart Disease Risk

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:51
    Cholesterol HDL LDL Ratio and Heart Disease Risk Information on HDL LDL ratio . Get to know the relevant chart and . levels To make you clear the ratio is a kind of comparison between HDL good cholesterol with LDL bad cholesterol a0 If you decide to use this ratio , keep in mind that your aim is to keep it always Above 0.3 ideally above 0.4 Understanding the ratio Since cholesterol is not soluble in blood , it is helped by other substances called lipoproteins So , HDL good cholesterol picks up the excessive cholesterol and send it back to the . liver Meanwhile , LDL bad cholesterol transports it in your body . Too much LDL over time years may lead in narrowing and hardening of your arteries . And the final result is heart stroke or heart . attack When you perform a lipid profile , you’ll

  • HDL LDL Levels And Charts

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:50
    HDL LDL Levels And Charts Information about hdl ldl levels , what affects them and cholesterol . charts If you perform a lipoprotein test , the results will be given in milligrams per deciliter mg dl And of course you’ll get to know what your hdl-ldl-levels . are You must understand that you look for lipoproteins levels in your bloodstream , because they help in transporting cholesterol through . bloodstream Cholesterol is not soluble in water fat that’s why it needs help” to be transported in blood . The lipoproteins ldl and hdl offer to transport it . About hdl ldl levels what affects them There exist various things that can affect hdl ldl levels . There are things that you can manage to do something : about Weight If you are overweight , you can carry out a major risk factor for heart

  • High cholesterol problems How to fight them

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:50
    . High cholesterol problems In order to overcome high cholesterol problems , you must follow Know your enemy” . rule Following this rule , you must learn what cholesterol is . So , cholesterol is a very important fatty substance formed naturally by your body . Because , about 60 of your total body weight is water and cholesterol like other fats can’t mix with water consequently , it will not dissolve in blood . That is why cholesterol is carried by lipoproteins and transported throughout the body via blood stream . You should have a good idea about the most important two lipoproteins low-density lipoprotein LDL or bad cholesterol . LDL cholesterol is considered bad because it finally causes atherosclerosis narrowing of blood vessels While the other important lipoprotein is high-density

  • Lowering Cholesterol Drugs Information On Their Effects

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:49
    Lowering Cholesterol Drugs Information On Their Effects What are the lowering cholesterol drugs Why are they used for How far can you benefit What are their side effects The high cholesterol diseases can cause severe consequences including savory death . That's why scientific arsenal has come out with cholesterol reducing drugs to control high cholesterol . levels However , your doctor will suggest some lifestyle changes apart from the drugs . Of course , the doctor is the one who decide on which drug to choose for your case but it is also important that you as a patient could get knowledge on them . Lowering cholesterol drugs What's out in the market nowadays 1. Niacin Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin B that is also known as nicotinic acid . It improves the lipoproteins to the body and

  • Atherosclerosis Disease Definition

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:48
    Atherosclerosis Disease Definition Atherosclerosis disease is a medical term which can be further divided into 2 Greek : words Athero : paste or glue Sclerosis : hardness Atherosclerosis is a condition which is recognized by the accumulation of cholesterol , fat deposits , calcium , cellular debris and other waste products on the endothelial inner lining of an artery usually big-sized and medium-sized arteries These deposits are called plaques . With aging , the arteries will lose their elasticity and become . harder When these Plaques increase in size , they can partially block the affected artery causing stagnation of the blood flow . The real harm from plaques occurs when they breakdown causing the release of multiple clots in the blood stream this condition is called thrombosis The

  • Triglyceride diet and foods

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:48
    About the triglyceride diet and foods What is a triglyceride diet What foods to include in this diet Why is it important to adjust triglycerides levels Get your step-by-step answers . here I am sure you are paying a great attention to your blood pressure as well as your blood sugar levels , and even may be you are keeping an eye on your total cholesterol levels but what about triglycerides levels in your blood Have you checked them recently What is a triglyceride diet What foods to include Actually , it contains the strategies of selecting the foods you need for the daily energy . And also how you can cook these foods , the best and healthiest methods of . cooking Eventually , a proper diet for high triglycerides levels will help you overcome hypertriglyceridemia too . Below you'll have

  • Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:46
    Cholesterol hdl ldl blog keeps you up-to-date to the latest news on How to increase hdl (good cholesterol) and how to lower ldl (bad cholesterol) Naturally

  • Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:37:44
    Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog Cholesterol hdl ldl blog is my e-journal about Beating Diabetes Naturally . It . lets you know whenever any new Web pages appear on Cholesterol-hdl-ldl.com blog website , revealing you the latest news on hdl good cholesterol and ldl bad cholesterol To subscribe to my Cholesterol hdl ldl blog( no e-mail necessary right-click on orange RSS button see bottom buttons to the left and then paste the URL into you RSS reader . Or click on My Yahoo button or My Msn or Add to Google button if you keep a personalized home page there . If you are not sure what RSS and blogging is all about , click here . What's an RSS Feed Once you start you will be surprised at what RSS can do . What is recently discussed in the a0 Cholesterol Questions and Answers Room How are stress and bad

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